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Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550540


Introducción: Estudios previos han reportado que pacientes infectados con el virus del COVID-19, podrían manifestar sintomatologías a nivel de la cavidad oral. Objetivo: Evaluar la frecuencia de manifestaciones orales asociadas a COVID-19 en un segmento de la población paraguaya y determinar cuáles son las más prevalentes. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Fue realizada una encuesta electrónica de enero a marzo del 2022. Los datos fueron presentados como frecuencias y porcentajes y analizados mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el software R versión 4.0.3. Resultados: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 478 personas. El 79,50 % correspondió al sexo femenino y el 45,19 % tenía entre 25 y 34 años. El 65,48 % informó haber experimentado al menos 1 síntoma o signo oral durante el curso de COVID-19. La pérdida de la sensación de sabores amargos, seguida de la alteración del sabor de los alimentos y la pérdida de la percepción dulce, fueron los síntomas más comunes. Se encontró una proporción significativamente mayor de manifestaciones orales en el rango de 18-24 años (χ²; p= 0,003). Entre las personas que desarrollaron COVID-19 de forma moderada a severa hubo mayor número de manifestaciones de síntomas orales (χ²; p= 0,044). Discusión: Se identificó una alta frecuencia de manifestaciones orales en pacientes con casos de moderados a severos de COVID-19, destacándose los trastornos del gusto como los más predominantes. Los individuos más jóvenes fueron los más afectados.

Introduction: Previous studies have reported that patients infected with the COVID-19 virus could manifest symptoms in the oral cavity. Objective: To evaluate the frequency of oral manifestations associated with COVID-19 in a segment of the Paraguayan population and determine the most prevalent ones. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. An electronic survey was conducted from January to March 2022. The data were presented as frequencies and percentages and analyzed using the chi-square test. Statistical analysis was performed with R software version 4.0.3. Results: The sample consisted of 478 individuals. 79.50% were female, and 45.19% were between 25 and 34 years old. 65.48% reported having experienced at least 1 oral symptom or sign during the course of COVID-19. The loss of the sensation of bitter tastes, followed by the alteration of the taste of foods and the loss of sweetness perception, were the most common symptoms. A significantly higher proportion of oral manifestations was found in the 18-24 age range (χ²; p= 0.003). Among people who developed COVID-19 in a moderate to severe form, a greater number of oral symptom manifestations were observed (χ²; p= 0.044). Discussion: A high frequency of oral manifestations was identified in patients with moderate to severe cases of COVID-19, with taste disorders standing out as the most predominant. Younger individuals were the most affected.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550621


Conocer las manifestaciones del comportamiento del luchador en la etapa inicial de ejecución del entrenamiento deportivo permite caracterizar, proyectar y controlar el proceso, con una dirección científica. Por ello la presente investigación plantea como objetivo proponer indicadores para el diagnóstico pedagógico personalizado del luchador, en la etapa de perfeccionamiento básico y lograr la efectividad en la formación integral de su personalidad. Ante la situación presentada se realizaron observaciones al comportamiento de los luchadores en el ambiente familiar, escolar, social y deportivo; además de encuestas y entrevistas que permitieron caracterizar el proceso investigado y pronosticar los posibles resultados, para luego desarrollar una eficiente intervención formativa. Las conclusiones derivadas del estudio y análisis de los resultados evidenciaron que los indicadores de diagnóstico pedagógico personalizado del luchador, en la etapa de perfeccionamiento básico contribuyeron con efectividad, en la formación integral de su personalidad.

Conhecer as manifestações do comportamento do lutador na etapa inicial do treinamento esportivo permite caracterizar, projetar e controlar o processo, com uma direção científica. Por essa razão, o objetivo desta pesquisa é propor indicadores para o diagnóstico pedagógico personalizado do lutador, na etapa de aperfeiçoamento básico, e alcançar a eficácia na formação integral de sua personalidade. Diante da situação apresentada, foram feitas observações do comportamento dos lutadores no ambiente familiar, escolar, social e esportivo; além de pesquisas e entrevistas que permitiram caracterizar o processo investigado e prever os possíveis resultados, para então desenvolver uma intervenção formativa eficiente. As conclusões derivadas do estudo e da análise dos resultados mostraram que os indicadores do diagnóstico pedagógico personalizado do lutador, na etapa de aperfeiçoamento básico, contribuíram efetivamente para a formação integral de sua personalidade.

Knowing the manifestations of the wrestler's behavior in the initial stage of sports training execution allows to characterize, project and control the process, with a scientific direction. Therefore, the objective of this research is to propose indicators for the personalized pedagogical diagnosis of the wrestlers, in the basic improvement stage and to achieve effectiveness in the comprehensive formation of his personality. Given the situation presented, observations were made of the behavior of the wrestlers in the family, school, social and sports environment; in addition to surveys and interviews that allowed to characterize the investigated process and predict possible results, to then develop an efficient training intervention. The conclusions derived from the study and analysis of the results showed that the personalized pedagogical diagnosis indicators of the wrestler, in the basic improvement stage, contributed effectively to the comprehensive formation of his personality.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550629


El fútbol es un deporte de oposición, cooperación, donde se interrelacionan las estructuras y las funciones específicas que lo rigen, de carácter eminentemente táctico y de ahí la necesidad que tienen los jugadores de relacionarse para organizarse colectivamente con eficacia en las situaciones ofensivas, defensivas, y las transiciones de ambas acciones, las cuales van a surgir el resto de capacidades técnicas, físicas, de teóricas y psicológicas según las necesidades de la idea de juego. Esta investigación, enmarcada en el proceso de preparación táctica de la selección provincial de fútbol de mayores de Pinar del Río, tuvo objetivo determinar el estado en que se encuentra la preparación táctica de los jugadores según el modelo de juego planificado para enfrentar el torneo nacional y definir la metodología de entrenamiento sustentada en los sistemas modernos de preparación fundamentado en el componente táctico como dimensión rectora en el proceso. Con la utilización de métodos teóricos, empíricos, y de nivel estadístico, se guía todo el proceso de la investigación a través de observaciones a entrenamientos, entrevistas y mediciones del comportamiento táctico en partidos oficiales, con lo cual se pudo corroborar en los resultados alcanzados una serie de insuficiencias y limitaciones tácticas en las dimensiones e indicadores valorados que denota que problemas en la preparación para la competencia.

O futebol é um esporte de oposição, cooperação, onde as estruturas e funções específicas que o regem estão inter-relacionadas, de natureza eminentemente tática e daí a necessidade de os jogadores se relacionarem entre si para se organizarem coletivamente de forma eficaz em situações ofensivas e defensivas, e as transições de ambas as ações, que darão origem ao resto das capacidades técnicas, físicas, teóricas e psicológicas de acordo com as necessidades da ideia de jogo. Esta pesquisa, enquadrada no processo de preparação tática da equipe de futebol sênior provincial de Pinar del Río, teve como objetivo determinar o estado da preparação tática dos jogadores de acordo com o modelo de jogo planejado para enfrentar o torneio nacional e definir a metodologia de treinamento com base nos modernos sistemas de preparação baseados no componente tático como uma dimensão orientadora no processo. Com a utilização de métodos teóricos, empíricos e estatísticos, todo o processo da pesquisa foi orientado por meio de observações em sessões de treinamento, entrevistas e medições do comportamento tático em jogos oficiais, com os quais foi possível corroborar nos resultados alcançados uma série de insuficiências e limitações táticas nas dimensões e indicadores avaliados que denotam problemas na preparação para a competição.

Soccer is a sport of opposition and cooperation, where the specific structures and functions that govern it are interrelated, of an eminently tactical nature and hence the need for players to relate to organize themselves collectively effectively in offensive, defensive, and the transitions of both actions, from which the rest of the technical, physical, theoretical and psychological capacities will emerge according to the needs of the game idea. This research, framed in the tactical preparation process of the provincial senior soccer team of Pinar del Río, had the objective of determining the state of the tactical preparation of the players according to the game model planned to face the national tournament and define the training methodology supported by modern preparation systems based on the tactical component as a guiding dimension in the process. With the use of theoretical, empirical, and statistical methods, the entire research process is guided through observations of training, interviews, and measurements of tactical behavior in official matches, with which it was possible to corroborate in the results achieved a series of insufficiencies and tactical limitations in the valued dimensions and indicators that denote problems in preparation for the competition.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 28(1)mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550548


Introducción: La capacitación es, sin duda, uno de los temas actuales más importantes cuando se habla de competitividad, innovación y mejora continua de una empresa. Este proceso implica: detección de necesidades, planeación, implementación, evaluación, retroalimentación y seguimiento de resultados. El eje fundamental de este proceso es el Diagnóstico de Necesidades de Capacitación, pues señala de manera precisa los aspectos sobre los cuales ha de trabajar el capacitador. Objetivo: Realizar un diagnóstico de las necesidades de capacitación de los asistentes de farmacia del Municipio Santa Clara. Métodos: Para elaborar el Diagnóstico de Necesidades de Capacitación se utilizó el método comparativo. Este método se basa en la identificación de las discrepancias entre lo que es y lo debe ser, lo que posibilita constatar los requisitos que son necesarios cubrir. Se utilizaron como técnicas la entrevista y la encuesta. Resultados: Finalmente, después del análisis de todos los datos obtenidos de las matrices y preguntas abiertas, se elaboró el Diagnóstico de Necesidades de Capacitación final que se entregó a la Empresa Farmacias y Ópticas. Conclusiones: Estos resultados mostraron que esta empresa necesita de manera inmediata implementar actividades de capacitación a sus asistentes de farmacia en lo referente a conocimientos.

Introduction: training is, undoubtedly one of the most important current issues when talking about competitiveness, innovation and continuous improvement of a company. This process involves: detection of needs, planning, implementation, evaluation, feedback and monitoring of results. The fundamental axis of this process is the Diagnosis of Training Needs, since it indicates precisely the aspects on which the trainer must work. Objective: to carry out a diagnosis of the training needs in pharmacy assistants from Santa Clara municipality. Methods: the comparative method was use to prepare the Training Needs Diagnosis. This method is based on the identification of discrepancies between what is and what should be; it made possible to verify the necessary requirements to be met. Interviews and surveys were used as techniques. Results: Finally, after analyzing all the data obtained from the matrices and the open questions, a final Diagnosis of Training Needs was prepared and delivered to the Pharmacy and Optics Company. Conclusions: these results showed that this company needs to immediately implement training activities for their pharmacy assistants in terms of knowledge.

Diagnosis , Pharmacy Technicians , Inservice Training
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 231-244, 20240220. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532579


Introducción. Los datos epidemiológicos de la diverticulitis en Colombia son limitados. El objetivo de este artículo fue caracterizar una población que ingresó con diverticulitis aguda al Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación, un centro de referencia de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, para analizar la presentación y comportamiento de la enfermedad en la población local, con estadísticas propias y desenlaces de la enfermedad en los últimos años. Métodos. Estudio observacional retrospectivo, descriptivo, entre enero de 2015 y diciembre de 2019. Se hizo un estudio exploratorio uni-, bi- y multivariado de factores de riesgo para fallo en el tratamiento y la mortalidad. Resultados. Se incluyeron 103 pacientes. Se presentó principalmente en mujeres y la edad promedio fue de 65 años. La diverticulitis Hinchey Ia fue la más frecuente (41,7 %) y el manejo médico fue exitoso en todos los casos, mientras que en las tipo III y IV, todos se manejaron de forma quirúrgica, con tasas de éxito entre el 50 y el 64 %. La presencia de signos de irritación peritoneal al examen físico, el recuento de leucocitos y la PCR, el ingreso a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos y la mortalidad aumentaron de forma directamente proporcional con el estadio de Hinchey. Conclusiones. Existe una relación directamente proporcional entre la clasificación de Hinchey y los signos de respuesta inflamatoria clínicos y paraclínicos, la necesidad de manejo quirúrgico, la estancia en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos y la mortalidad.

Introduction. Epidemiological data on diverticulitis in Colombia are limited. The objective of this article was to characterize a population that was admitted with acute diverticulitis to the San Vicente Fundación University Hospital, a reference center in the city of Medellín, Colombia, to analyze the presentation and behavior of the disease in the local population, with its own statistics, and outcomes of the disease in recent years. Methods. Retrospective descriptive observational study between January 2015 and December 2019. An exploratory uni-, bi- and multivariate study of risk factors for treatment failure and mortality was performed. Results. A total of 103 patients were included. The most frequent Hinchey classification was Ia (41.7%). It occurs mainly in women, mean age 65 years. Hinchey Ia diverticulitis is the most frequent and medical management is successful in 100% of cases; while in III and IV, 100% were managed surgically with success rates between 50 and 64%. The presence of peritoneal signs on physical examination, leukocyte count and CRP, ICU admission and mortality increased directly proportional with Hinchey stage. Conclusions. There is a directly proportional relationship between Hinchey staging with clinical and paraclinical signs of inflammatory response, need for surgical management, ICU stay and mortality.

Humans , Diverticulitis , Diverticulum, Colon , Diverticular Diseases , Diverticulosis, Colonic , Diagnosis , Conservative Treatment
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 339-347, 20240220. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532734


Introducción. El cáncer de riñón es la undécima neoplasia maligna más común en los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. El carcinoma de células claras de riñón (CCR) es considerado la estirpe más frecuente y representa el 2-3 % de todos los cánceres a nivel mundial. En el contexto de la enfermedad metastásica, por lo general se identifica un tumor renal primario y las metástasis se localizan en pulmón, hueso, hígado, cerebro y, raramente, en tejidos blandos. Los pacientes con metástasis a tejidos blandos no tienen síntomas en las etapas iniciales y generalmente se identifican sólo cuando las lesiones aumentan de tamaño o durante el estudio de la pieza de resección quirúrgica. Caso clínico. Se presenta el caso de una paciente en la séptima década de la vida, con una metástasis en tejidos blandos de la región sacra, de 10 años de evolución posterior a una nefrectomía secundario a CCR. Resultados. Hallazgos clínicos e imagenológicos de un tumor bien delimitado. Se realizó resección quirúrgica de la lesión, bajo anestesia regional, con extirpación completa. Conclusión. Se recomienda que los pacientes con un sitio metastásico resecable y solitario sean llevados a resección quirúrgica con márgenes libres, como fue el caso de nuestra paciente, por su fácil acceso y ser una lesión única. En el CCR, además de su tratamiento quirúrgico inicial, es indispensable una estrecha vigilancia con examen físico e imágenes transversales, para detectar la presencia de metástasis y con ello evitar tratamientos tardíos.

Introduction. Kidney cancer is the eleventh most common malignancy in the United States of Mexico. Carcinoma renal cell (CRC) is considered the most frequent type and represents 2-3% of all cancers worldwide. In the setting of metastatic disease, a primary renal tumor is usually identified, and metastases are located in the lung, bone, liver, brain, and rarely in soft tissue. Patients with soft tissue metastases do not have symptoms in the initial stages and are generally found only when the lesions increase in size or during the study of the surgical resection piece. Clinical case. In this case, we report a female patient in the seventh decade of life with a soft tissue metastasis located in the sacral region, 10 years after a nephrectomy secondary to CRC. Results. Clinical and radiological findings of a well-defined tumor. Surgical resection of the lesion is performed under regional anesthesia with complete excision. Conclusions. It is recommended that patients with a resectable and solitary metastatic site be candidates for surgical resection with free margins, as was the case with our patient due to its easy access and single lesion. In CRC, in addition to its initial surgical treatment, close surveillance with physical examination and cross-sectional images is essential to monitor the presence of metastases and thus avoid late treatments.

Humans , Carcinoma, Renal Cell , Kidney Neoplasms , Neoplasm Seeding , Soft Tissue Neoplasms , Diagnosis, Differential , Neoplasm Metastasis
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(1): e20220469, jan. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550031


Resumo Fundamento: Seguimento de coorte retrospectiva de 30 anos que se aproxima da história natural dos tumores cardíacos diagnosticados no feto uma vez que nenhum caso foi submetido à interrupção da gestação. Objetivo: Avaliar a morbidade e mortalidade perinatal e em longo prazo em fetos com diagnóstico de tumor cardíaco. Como objetivo secundário avaliar os fatores que influenciaram os resultados perinatais e pós-natais. Método: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva envolvendo 74 gestantes com diagnóstico ecocardiográfico fetal de tumor cardíaco acompanhadas em dois serviços de referência no período de maio de 1991 a novembro de 2021. Foi realizada análise descritiva dos dados por meio de frequências absolutas (n) e relativas (%), mediana e intervalos interquartis. Para avaliar a associação entre as características ecocardiográficas e as manifestações clínicas com os resultados perinatais e pós-natais, foi aplicado o teste exato de Fisher. O cálculo da sobrevida global foi realizado pelo método de Kaplan-Meier e a comparação de curvas pelo teste de log-rank. O tempo de seguimento, calculado em meses, foi definido a partir da data de alta do hospital à data do status atual (vivo/censura ou óbito). O nível de significância considerado foi de 5% (p<0,05). Resultados: o rabdomioma é o tipo mais frequente (85%) de tumor cardíaco; apresenta alta morbidade (79,3%) e mortalidade geral de 17,4%; a presença de hidropisia fetal preditiva de óbito. Conclusão: A presença de hidropisia fetal teve impacto na mortalidade, sendo fator importante para aconselhamento e estabelecimento de prognóstico. A maioria dos óbitos ocorrem antes da alta hospitalar.

Abstract Background: This was a 30-year retrospective cohort study that approximates closely to the natural history of cardiac tumors diagnosed in the fetus, since there was no case of pregnancy interruption Objective: To assess morbidity and mortality in the perinatal period and at long term in fetuses diagnosed with cardiac tumor. Our secondary objective was to assess the evaluating factors of perinatal and postnatal results. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study with 74 pregnant women with an echocardiographic diagnosis of fetal cardiac tumor at two referral centers between May 1991 and November 2021. A descriptive analysis was performed, and data were expressed as absolute (n) and relative (%) frequencies, median and interquartile range. Fisher's exact test was used to evaluate the association of echocardiographic characteristics and clinical manifestations with perinatal and postnatal results. Global survival was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method and the curves were compared by the log-rank test. The time of follow-up, calculated in months, corresponded to the time elapsed from hospital discharge to current status (survived/ censoring or death). The level of significance was set at 5% (p<0.05). Results: Rhabdomyoma is the most common type of cardiac tumor (85%), with a high morbidity (79.3%) and overall mortality of 17.4%. The presence of fetal hydrops was a predictor of death. Conclusion: The presence of fetal hydrops had an impact on mortality, and hence is an important factor in counselling and determining the prognosis. Most deaths occurred before hospital discharge.

Alerta (San Salvador) ; 7(1): 23-28, ene. 26, 2024. ilus, tab.
Article in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526685


Presentación del caso. Paciente masculino de origen guatemalteco con historia de fiebre alta de tipo intermitente, mialgias, artralgias, debilidad generalizada, mareo y vómito de contenido gástrico. Fue tratado inicialmente en un hospital privado con diagnóstico de síndrome febril agudo y referido a un hospital de la red nacional con diagnóstico de dengue con signos de alarma, al tercer día de estancia hospitalaria se diagnostica como un caso de malaria importado por Plasmodium vivax. Intervención terapéutica. Se le dio tratamiento antimalárico con cloroquina y primaquina. Evolución clínica. Presentó mejoría clínica y las pruebas de laboratorio de control reportaron resultados negativos para Plasmodium vivax

Case presentation. Male patient of Guatemalan origin with history of intermittent high fever, myalgia, arthralgia, generalized weakness, dizziness, and vomiting of gastric contents. He was initially treated in a private hospital with a diagnosis of acute febrile illness and referred to a national network hospital with a diagnosis of dengue with warning signs. On the third day of hospital stay a diagnosis of an imported malaria case by Plasmodium vivax was presented. Treatment. The patient was given antimalarial treatment consisting of chloroquine and primaquine. Outcome. The patient presented clinical improvement, and control laboratory tests were negative for Plasmodium vivax.

Humans , Male , Vector Borne Diseases , El Salvador
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 122-131, 20240102. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526859


Introducción. La resección segmentaria del intestino y su derivación temporal o definitiva es un procedimiento frecuente en la práctica quirúrgica, que implica la construcción de un estoma. La enfermedad que lleva a la cirugía, las condiciones clínicas del paciente y los aspectos técnicos en la construcción de la ostomía son puntos claves en la evolución posoperatoria. Métodos. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura identificando las complicaciones asociadas a la construcción de estomas, con el objetivo de ofrecer herramientas de tratamiento y toma de decisiones al personal médico involucrado en la atención de estos pacientes. Resultados. La cirugía de urgencia, la inmunosupresión, la obesidad y la técnica en la apertura del orificio en la pared abdominal, favorecen la aparición de complicaciones tempranas que requieren manejo médico o reintervención quirúrgica. Conclusiones. Todo paciente con estoma debe ser valorado minuciosamente por el cirujano y la terapista enterostomal en las primeras 72 horas luego de la cirugía.

Introduction. Segmental resection of the intestine and its temporary or permanent bypass is a frequent procedure in surgical practice, which involves the construction of a stoma. The disease that leads to surgery, the clinical conditions of the patient and the technical aspects in the construction of the ostomy are key points in the postoperative evolution. Methods. A review of the literature was performed, identifying the complications associated with the construction of stomas, with the aim of offering treatment and decision-making tools to the medical personnel involved in the care of these patients. Results. Emergency surgery, immunosuppression, obesity, and the technique used to open the orifice in the abdominal wall favor the appearance of early complications that require medical management or surgical reintervention. Conclusions. Every patient with a stoma must be carefully evaluated by the surgeon and the enterostomal therapist in the first 72 hours after surgery.

Humans , Postoperative Complications , Colostomy , Ileostomy , Clinical Diagnosis
Rev. CEFAC ; 26(1): e10823, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529403


ABSTRACT Purpose: to investigate speech-language-hearing symptoms in adults after the acute phase of COVID-19 and the impact of these persistent symptoms on their physical and emotional aspects, functional capacity, and social relationships. Methods: 204 adults who tested positive for COVID-19 between January 2021 and July 2022 and who completed an online questionnaire, addressing different variables. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. Results: the most prevalent symptoms up to 30 days after infection were tiredness (46%), memory loss (40.2%), and ageusia (26.5%). The most found long-term symptoms were memory loss (34.3%), tiredness (21.1%), and difficulties in starting a sentence or conversation (10.1%). Anosmia and ageusia were also cited. These persistent symptoms had an impact on their emotional aspect (33.3%), followed by the physical (26%) and occupational (25%) ones. Conclusion: this study found persistent symptoms after the acute phase of COVID-19, which can lead to speech-language-hearing disorders, such as impaired oral language and eating. These persistent symptoms impacted the participants' emotional, physical, and occupational aspects.

RESUMO Objetivo: investigar a presença de sintomas fonoaudiológicos em adultos após o período da fase aguda da COVID-19, além do impacto da manutenção desses sintomas nos aspectos físicos, emocionais, capacidade funcional e relações sociais. Métodos: participaram 204 adultos que testaram positivo para COVID-19 no período de janeiro de 2021 a julho de 2022 e que preencheram um questionário on- line, abordando diferentes variáveis. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva. Resultados: os sintomas mais prevalentes até 30 dias após a infecção foram cansaço (46%), perda de memória (40,2%) e ageusia (26,5%). Os sintomas de longa duração mais observados foram perda de memória (34,3%), cansaço (21,1%) e dificuldades para iniciar um diálogo ou frase (10,1%). Anosmia e ageusia também foram citadas. Houve impacto da manutenção desses sintomas no aspecto emocional (33,3%), seguido dos aspectos físicos (26%) e ocupacionais (25%). Conclusão: neste estudo foram encontrados sintomas persistentes após o período da fase aguda da COVID-19 que podem levar a alterações fonoaudiológicas, como prejuízo na linguagem oral e nas questões alimentares. A manutenção desses sintomas impactou nos aspectos emocionais, físicos e ocupacionais dos participantes.

Adv Rheumatol ; 64: 9, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550009


Abstract Background Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that may cause joint deformities and seriously affect the normal life of the patients. In order to enable patients to receive timely attention and treatment, this study developed new diagnostic markers by exploring the expression and molecular mechanism of the long non-coding RNA NORAD (NORAD) in RA. Methods Participants including 77 RA patients and 52 healthy persons were enrolled, and the corresponding clinical data and serum samples were obtained. The NORAD and miR-204-5p expression were detected by real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The content of inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, TNF-α) were determined through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Luciferase activity reporter assay demonstrated the association between NORAD and miR-204-5p. In addition, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of NORAD, and Pearson's correlation analysis was applied for the correlation analysis. Results NORAD was enriched in RA serum with high diagnostic value. Simultaneously, IL-6 and TNF-α levels were also upregulated (P < 0.001). The C-reactive protein (CRP), rheumatoid factor (RF), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody (Anti-CCP) levels in RA patients were generally elevated (P < 0.001). NORAD was positively correlated with the levels of clinical indicators and inflammatory factors (P < 0.0001). Mechanistically, NORAD may affect the progression of RA by targeting and negatively regulating miR-204-5p. Conclusions There is a correlation between NORAD and the processes of RA, and NORAD has the potential to predict and diagnose the occurrence of RA.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(3): e2022, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550035


ABSTRACT We present a rare case of primary caruncle basal cell carcinoma (BCC), a condition with limited occurrences. Our patient, an 80-year-old woman without prior ocular pathological history, presented a 2x2mm pedunculated blackish nodular lesion on the caruncle of her left eye, without local conjunctival or cutaneous involvement. Histological analysis following complete excision confirmed the presence of basal cell carcinoma within the caruncle. Over a span of 30 months, no recurrence has been observed. While scant cases are documented in the literature, we conducted a review of these instances. Despite its infrequent manifestation, this condition should be taken into account when evaluating caruncular tumors, given its tendency to invade the orbit. Complete excision with free surgical margins is the treatment of choice, and adjuvant radiotherapy or chemotherapy might be considered.

BrJP ; 7: e20240014, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550078


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The red flags screening purpose is to ensure that signs and symptoms that raise suspicion of serious diseases are being considered during the assessment, assisting physical therapists in their clinical decision process. Brazilian physical therapists are autonomous and can act as first contact professionals in the management of musculoskeletal disorders, therefore, they need to know how to recognize, screen and refer patients with red flags for better therapeutic management. The objectives of this study were to verify whether Brazilian physical therapists can recognize and manage patients who presented red flags, compare professionals' skills regarding different academic degree levels and clinical experience and identify which factors can influence the results. METHODS: A cross-sectional and quantitative research was conducted, collected from an online questionnaire. The target audience consisted of Brazilian physical therapists who have clinical experience in the management of patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Participants filled demographic data and made clinical decisions based on six clinical cases created by the authors, based on the literature, and reviewed by three experts. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, the Chi-square test of independence and logistic regression. RESULTS: The study analyzed 384 answers from Brazilian physical therapists with clinical experience in musculoskeletal conditions. Brazilian physical therapists, in general, have not shown to be able to properly recognize and manage the clinical cases involving red flags, with 23.2% of the sample performing appropriate management for medical conditions, 53.9% for emergency conditions and 61.8% for medical conditions with associated musculoskeletal dysfunction. More years of clinical experience and post-professional education did not positively influence the outcomes. Higher academic degrees (Doctorate) can influence positively on the management of non-emergency medical conditions. CONCLUSION: Brazilian physical therapists who work with patients with musculoskeletal disorders perform poorly in identifying red flags in hypothetical clinical cases.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O objetivo da triagem de bandeiras vermelhas é garantir que sinais e sintomas que levantam suspeitas de doenças graves sejam considerados durante a avaliação, auxiliando os fisioterapeutas no seu processo de decisão clínica. Os fisioterapeutas brasileiros são autônomos e podem atuar como profissionais de primeiro contato no manejo de distúrbios musculoesqueléticos, portanto, precisam saber reconhecer, rastrear e encaminhar pacientes com bandeiras vermelhas para melhor manejo terapêutico. Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar se os fisioterapeutas brasileiros conseguem reconhecer e tratar pacientes que apresentavam bandeiras vermelhas, comparar as habilidades dos profissionais com diferentes níveis de formação acadêmica e experiência clínica e identificar quais fatores podem influenciar os resultados. METHODS: Uma pesquisa transversal e quantitativa foi realizada, coletada através de um questionário online. O público-alvo consistiu em fisioterapeutas brasileiros com experiência clínica no manejo de pacientes com disfunções musculoesqueléticas. Os participantes preencheram dados demográficos e tomaram decisões clínicas com base em seis casos clínicos criados pelos autores, com base na literatura, e revisados por três especialistas. Os dados foram analisados por estatísticas descritivas, pelo teste qui-quadrado de independência e por regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Foram analisadas 384 respostas de fisioterapeutas brasileiros com experiência clínica em disfunções musculoesqueléticas. Os fisioterapeutas brasileiros, em geral, não demonstraram ser capazes de reconhecer e manejar adequadamente os casos clínicos envolvendo bandeiras vermelhas, com 23,2% da amostra realizando manejo adequado para condições médicas, 53,9% para condições de emergência e 61,8% para condições médicas com disfunção musculoesquelética associada. Mais anos de experiência clínica e educação pós-profissional não influenciaram positivamente os resultados. Graus acadêmicos mais elevados (Doutorado) podem influenciar positivamente no manejo de condições médicas não emergenciais. RESULTADOS: Foram analisadas 384 respostas de fisioterapeutas brasileiros com experiência clínica em disfunções musculoesqueléticas. Os fisioterapeutas brasileiros, em geral, não demonstraram ser capazes de reconhecer e manejar adequadamente os casos clínicos envolvendo bandeiras vermelhas, com 23,2% da amostra realizando manejo adequado para condições médicas, 53,9% para condições de emergência e 61,8% para condições médicas com disfunção musculoesquelética associada. Mais anos de experiência clínica e educação pós-profissional não influenciaram positivamente os resultados. Graus acadêmicos mais elevados (Doutorado) podem influenciar positivamente no manejo de condições médicas não emergenciais. CONCLUSÃO: Fisioterapeutas brasileiros que atuam com pacientes com disfunções musculoesqueléticas apresentam um mau desempenho na identificação de bandeiras vermelhas em casos clínicos hipotéticos.

Fisioter. Mov. (Online) ; 37: e37112, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550260


Abstract Introduction: Step-based tests are commonly utilized to assess the exercise capacity of individuals with respiratory diseases. However, the feasibility and safety of the step tests have not yet been studied in individuals after COVID-19. Objective: To investigate the feasibility and safety of the six-minute step test (6MST) and the modified incremental step test (MIST) in assessing exercise capacity at home in individuals after hospitalization for COVID-19, and to identify factors associated with performance in these tests. Methods: Cross-sectional multicenter study with individuals hospitalized for COVID-19 fifteen days after hospital discharge. Participants performed spirometry, 6MST, and MIST during a single home visit. Adverse events were registered during and immediately after the tests. Results: Sixty-five participants were studied (50 ± 10 years old, 55% male). The feasibility was 96.9% and the incidence of adverse events was 13.8% in 6MST and 6.2% in MIST. The individuals performed 76.9% of the predicted on the 6MST, with 40% of the participants reaching 80% of the maximum HR and 31% presenting exercise-induced oxygen desaturation. In the MIST, the individuals performed 20% of the predicted, 23% of the participants reached 80% of the maximum heart rate, and 17% presented exercise-induced oxy-gen desaturation. Length of hospital stay and the use of mechanical ventilation were associated with test performance. Conclusion: 6MST and MIST are feasible, safe, and can be used to assess exercise capacity in a home environment in individuals after hospitalization for COVID-19. The performance in these tests was associated with a prolonged hospital stay and the use of mechanical ventilation.

Resumo Introdução: Testes baseados em degraus são comumente utilizados para avaliar a capacidade de exercício de indivíduos com doenças respiratórias. No entanto, a viabilidade e segu-rança dos testes de degrau ainda não foram estudadas em indivíduos após hospitalização por COVID-19. Objetivo: In-vestigar a viabilidade e segurança do teste do degrau de seis minutos (TD6) e do teste do degrau incremental modificado (TDIM) na avaliação da capacidade de exercício no domicílio em indivíduos após hospitalização por COVID-19, e identificar fatores associados ao desempenho nesses testes. Métodos: Estudo transversal multicêntrico com indivíduos internados por COVID-19 quinze dias após a alta hospitalar. Os participantes realizaram espirometria, TD6 e TDIM durante uma única visita domiciliar. Eventos adversos foram registrados durante e ime-diatamente após os testes. Resultados: Foram estudados 65 participantes (50 ± 10 anos, 55% do sexo masculino). A via-bilidade foi de 96,9% e a incidência de eventos adversos foi de 13,8% no 6MST e 6,2% no TDIM. Os indivíduos realizaram 76,9% do previsto no TD6, sendo que 40% dos participantes atingiram 80% da frequência cardíaca máxima e 31% apresen-taram dessaturação de oxigênio induzida pelo exercício. No TDIM, os indivíduos realizaram 20% do previsto, 23% dos participantes atingiram 80% da frequência cardíaca máxima e 17% apresentaram dessaturação de oxigênio induzida pelo exercício. O tempo de internação e o uso de ventilação mecâni-ca estiveram associados ao desempenho do teste. Conclusão: O TD6 e o TDIM são viáveis, seguros e podem ser usados para avaliar a capacidade de exercício em ambiente domiciliar em indivíduos após hospitalização por COVID-19. O desempenho nesses testes esteve associado ao tempo prolongado de internação e ao uso de ventilação mecânica.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550576


Las enfermedades periodontales son consideradas entre las más comunes entre las patologías bucales. Su frecuencia es cada vez más elevada en la población y existen varias patologías sistémicas y hábitos que empeoran su cuadro clínico. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la frecuencia y características clínicas de pacientes con enfermedades periodontales que acuden a la cátedra de periodoncia en la Universidad Autónoma de Asunción en el período de 2011 al 2019. Estudio Observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, se procesaron 477 fichas clínicas de pacientes de la cátedra de Periodoncia de la Universidad Autónoma de Asunción desde el año 2011 al 2019. El tipo de muestreo utilizado fue no probabilístico por conveniencia. De las 477 fichas solo se analizaron 317 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Fueron el 56.46 % de sexo femenino y 43,53 % de sexo masculino, la mediana de edad fue de 33 (23-48) años. El 53% los pacientes presentaban periodontitis crónica y comorbilidades como diabetes e hipertensión arterial. Solo el 11,9 % fueron fumadores. En cuanto a los pacientes diabéticos la mayoría eran de sexo femenino y de edad avanzada, presentando como diagnóstico más frecuente la periodontitis crónica. El diagnóstico clínico más frecuente de la población estudiada fue la periodontitis crónica, seguido por la gingivitis.

Periodontal diseases are considered among the most common among oral pathologies. Its frequency is increasingly higher in the population and there are several systemic pathologies and habits that worsen its clinical condition. The objective of this work was to determine the frequency and clinical characteristics of patients with periodontal diseases who attend the periodontics department at the Autonomous University of Asunción in the period from 2011 to 2019. Observational, descriptive, retrospective study, 477 clinical records were processed. of patients from the Department of Periodontics at the Autonomous University of Asunción from 2011 to 2019. The type of sampling used was non-probabilistic for convenience. Of the 477 records, only 317 patients who met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. They were 56.46% female and 43.53% male, the median age was 33 (23-48) years. 53% of the patients had chronic periodontitis and comorbidities such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Only 11.9% were smokers. Regarding diabetic patients, the majority were female and elderly, with chronic periodontitis as the most frequent diagnosis. The most frequent clinical diagnosis of the studied population was chronic periodontitis, followed by gingivitis.

Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 24: e200113, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1550589


ABSTRACT Objective: To perform the epidemiological and clinicopathological analyses of odontogenic tumors in Kerman for 20 years. Material and Methods: The present study investigated collected records from pathology departments of the Faculty of Dentistry, Bahonar, and Shafa teaching-medical hospitals for 20 years. Data on odontogenic tumors was recorded based on age, sex, and tumor location in the information forms. The statistical t-test and the Kappa coefficient computer codes were utilized for data analysis. Results: 38 samples of odontogenic tumors were considered in the present study. The mean age of participants was 31.7± 10.3 years. The frequency of tumors was higher in women (63.2%) and in the lower jaw) 78.9%). Among various tumors, ameloblastoma (63.1%) and odontoma (18.4%) were the most common tumors, respectively. The correlation between clinical and histopathologic diagnoses was 71.8% using the kappa coefficient. Conclusion: Ameloblastoma is the most common odontogenic tumor. The incidence of lesions was higher in the mandible, and odontogenic tumors were higher in women. Since the diagnosis of odontogenic tumors is based on radiographic and histologic appearances, clinical physicians and pathologists should collaborate for the definitive diagnosis of the disease.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550677


ABSTRACT Objective: The current study aimed to translate the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) into Brazilian Portuguese and analyze the reliability of the translated version for a population of Brazilian infants. Methods: This was a methodological study, approved by the Ethics Committee, carried out between June 2020 and May 2021. HINE is a standardized clinical neurological examination used for the early detection of cerebral palsy. The quantitative section, "neurological examination", contains 26 items scored from 0 to 3 points, divided into five categories: cranial nerve function, posture, movements, muscle tone and reflexes, and reactions. The HINE translation followed four steps: translation, synthesis, back-translation, and evaluation by an expert committee. To verify the reliability of the HINE-Br (Portuguese-Brazil version) two independent examiners evaluated 43 infants, between 3 and 22 months of age. Internal consistency was verified by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and interrater reliability by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: The translated version was similar to the original version and a few semantic and idiomatic adjustments were necessary. Appropriate internal consistency (Alpha=0.91) was found for the 26 items of the HINE-Br, as well as strong interrater reliability for the total score (ICC2.1=0.95), and also for the five categories (ICC2.1=0.83-0.95). Conclusions: The HINE-Br presents adequate rates of internal consistency and interrater reliability, and can be used for the evaluation of children at risk for cerebral palsy, between 3 and 24 months of age, by pediatricians and pediatric physical therapists.

RESUMO Objetivo: Traduzir o Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) para o português brasileiro e analisar a confiabilidade da versão traduzida em lactentes brasileiros. Métodos: Estudo metodológico, aprovado por Comitê de Ética, realizado entre junho de 2020 e maio de 2021. O HINE é um exame clínico neurológico padronizado, utilizado para detecção precoce de paralisia cerebral. A seção quantitativa, "exame neurológico", contém 26 itens pontuados de 0 a 3, divididos em 5 categorias: função dos nervos cranianos; postura; movimentos; tônus muscular e reflexos; e reações. A tradução do HINE seguiu quatro etapas: tradução; síntese; retrotradução; e avaliação por um comitê de especialistas. Dois examinadores independentes avaliaram 43 lactentes, entre 3 e 22 meses, utilizando a versão HINE-Br (versão em português brasileiro), para verificar sua confiabilidade. A consistência interna foi verificada pelo coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach e a confiabilidade interexaminadores pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI). Resultados: A versão traduzida foi semelhante à versão original e poucos ajustes semânticos e idiomáticos foram necessários. Encontrou-se consistência interna adequada (Apha=0,91) para os 26 itens do HINE-Br, bem como forte confiabilidade interexaminadores para o escore total (CCI2,1=0,95) e também para as cinco categorias (CCI2,1=0,83-0,95). Conclusões: O HINE-Br apresenta índices adequados de consistência interna e confiabilidade interexaminadores, podendo ser utilizada para avaliação de crianças com risco de apresentar paralisia cerebral, entre 3 e 24 meses de idade, por pediatras e fisioterapeutas infantis.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550989


La apendicitis aguda se manifiesta, en ocasiones, con una variada e inespecífica presentación clínica, lo que dificulta su diagnóstico oportuno y favorece el riesgo de complicaciones. El objetivo es actualizar la información relacionada con las características clínicas de la apendicitis aguda, para lo que se realizó una revisión no sistemática de la literatura hasta abril del año 2022. Se revisaron artículos, libros especializados y citas bibliográficas de estudios elegidos, 20 de los cuales fueron seleccionados para la revisión. Mediante esta investigación se concluye que la primera y principal manifestación clínica es el dolor abdominal. El paciente debe someterse a una cuidadosa exploración física, incluyendo un examen rectal si lo precisa, y en las mujeres a un examen ginecológico si existiera duda diagnóstica.

Acute appendicitis is manifested, sometimes, with a varied and unspecific clinical presentation, which makes difficult its timely diagnosis and favors the complication risk. The objective is to update the information related to the clinical characteristics of acute appendicitis, for which a non-systematic review of the literature was carried out until April 2022. Articles, specialized books and bibliographic citations of selected studies were reviewed, 20 of which were chosen for the review. Through this research it is concluded that the first and main manifestation is abdominal pain. The patient should undergo a rigorous physical examination, including a rectal examination if necessary, and in the case of women, a gynecological examination if there is diagnostic doubt.

Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 28: e20230067, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1534455


Resumo Objetivo mapear diagnósticos e ações de enfermagem para o cuidado ao paciente adulto com oxigenação por membrana extracorpórea, considerando um protocolo e um sistema informatizado de prescrição e a inclusão de novas ações de cuidados, em um processo de translação do conhecimento à prática clínica. Métodos estudo descritivo e exploratório, com mapeamento cruzado entre um protocolo assistencial e sistema informatizado de um hospital universitário, no período de 2014 a 2018. Foram realizados dois encontros com a chefia de enfermagem e membros do time de oxigenação por membrana extracorpórea para validar as ações. Resultados diagnósticos mais comuns utilizados nos 45 prontuários dos pacientes com oxigenação por membrana extracorpórea foram: Risco de infecção (100%); Ventilação espontânea prejudicada (93,33%); Síndrome do déficit de autocuidado (93,33%). Conclusão e implicações para a prática o mapeamento incluiu 25 novas ações associadas a 14 diagnósticos de enfermagem no sistema informatizado, visando a disseminação do conhecimento e sua aplicação em cuidados reais a pacientes com oxigenação por membrana extracorpórea.

Resumen Objetivo mapear diagnósticos y acciones de enfermería para el cuidado de pacientes adultos con oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea, considerando un protocolo y un sistema de prescripción computarizado y la inclusión de nuevas acciones de cuidado, en un proceso de traslación del conocimiento a la práctica clínica. Métodos estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, con mapeo cruzado entre un protocolo de atención y un sistema informatizado en un hospital universitario, de 2014 a 2018. Posteriormente se realizaron dos reuniones con la gerente de enfermería y miembros del equipo de oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea para validar acciones. Resultados los diagnósticos más frecuentes utilizados en los 45 prontuarios de pacientes con oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea fueron: Riesgo de infección (100%); Deterioro de la ventilación espontánea (93,33%); Síndrome de déficit de autocuidado (93,33%). Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica el mapeo incluyó 25 nuevas acciones asociadas a 14 diagnósticos de enfermería en el sistema informatizado, con el objetivo de difundir el conocimiento y su aplicación en la atención real al paciente con oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea.

Abstract Objective to map diagnoses and nursing actions for the care of adult patients with extracorporeal oxygenation membrane, considering a protocol and a computerized prescription system and the inclusion of new care actions, in a process of translating knowledge to clinical practice. Methods descriptive and exploratory study, with cross-mapping between a care protocol and a computerized system of at a university hospital, from 2014 to 2018. Two meetings were held with the nursing manager and members of the extracorporeal oxygenation membrane team to validate the actions. Results most common diagnoses used in the 45 medical records of patients with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation were: Risk of infection (100%); Impaired spontaneous ventilation (93.33%); Self-care deficit syndrome (93.33%). Conclusion and implications for practice The mapping included 25 new actions, associated with 14 nursing diagnoses in the computerized system, aiming to disseminate knowledge and its application in real care for patients with extracorporeal oxygenation membrane.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation/nursing , Evidence-Based Nursing , Standardized Nursing Terminology